Justice For All

We will help you solve your complaints

This is our process and tips for delivering our mission of access to justice.

Complete the form

Complete the form

Complete the form

By completing the form, you will provide us all the necessary info to create a claim on your behalf.

By completing the form, you will provide us all the necessary info to create a claim on your behalf.

Raise the complaint

Raise the complaint

Raise the complaint

Thanks to your information, we will raise the complaint to the selected company and will send them an email with your claim details. Our emails will be fast-tracked if the company is using the CourtCorrect platform.

Start the action

Start the action

Start the action

Your complaint will be picked up by the company, if you don't receive an answer we will raise the claim again and make sure to guide you onto the next steps.

Your complaint will be picked up by the company, if you don't receive an answer we will raise the claim again and make sure to guide you onto the next steps.